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Explore Our Pricing Plans

Use this area to describe one of your memberships.

  • Free

    Use this area to describe one of your memberships.
    Valid for 3 months
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
  • Standard

    Every month
    Use this area to describe one of your memberships.
    Valid for 6 months
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
  • Best Value


    Every month
    Use this area to describe one of your memberships.
    Valid for 12 months
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
  • Basic On-Premises Plan with 80% Accuracy

    Every month
    Trilingual (English/Singlish, Mandarin, Bahasa Melayu)
    Valid for 3 months
    • Speech Recogntion
    • Speaker Diarization
    • Auto Punctuation and Casing
    • Auto Language Detection (for Trilingual option)
    • Export (TXT, DOCX) files
    • Standalone Server/Laptop Only *hardware not included
    • Meadow9 Mobile App Subscription
    • Optional Addon: Remote Cloud Deployment
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